26.8–25.9 2011 Candyland, Gotlandsgatan 76 Ellen Hochberg & Sharon Birzer New Works Shift/Candyland exchange, Part 6 Ett utbyte mellan Shift Gallery, Seattle och Candyland, Stockholm |
Ellen Hochberg and Sharon Birzer are both talking about
Nature, but in
very different ways. While Ellen seems to look for the “Mathematics of
Creation”, Sharon gets fascinated by the organic aspect of it, a world
where the infinitely large meets the infinitely small, cells create
patterns that reminds of huge eruptions on the surface of the sun, and
where birth and death seems to be intimately interrelated in an endless
cycle, like the fractal developments that leads Ellen's leaf
constructions. Jean Ploteau Ett utbyte mellan Shift Gallery, Seattle och Candyland, Stockholm. Shift ligger i Tashiro-Kaplan all-arts building i centrala Seattle. I huset finns gallerier, ateljéer och ateljélägenheter. www.shiftstudio.org |