16.12 2016–15.1 2017
Lena Nemes
Opening hours: Friday to Sunday, 1 pm – 4 pm
or by appointment until Sunday, Jan 15, 2017.
Gotlandsgatan 76, Stockholm.
Bus 3 or 76 to Gotlandsgatan or T-bana to Skanstull. www.candyland.se
Lena Nemes is showing 6 punctuation marks in water-colour on paper and two embroidered on fabric.
Colour applied with a fine brush, stroke by stroke, stitch next to stitch, forming images of signs.
No letters, but written characters, usually used to separate words from each other
and to make readable sentences. The punctuation marks give direction and rhythm.
Like all written characters they can be derived from stylized images.
Images offering more interpretations than the written language’s defined limitations.
In Lena Nemes’ exhibition at Candyland, they are liberated from the words
and regain the various meanings of the image.
Colurs, forms, frequencies of light, are languages speaking to us
without us necessarily knowing if we understand.
Lena Nemes also shows two sculptures in wood, stainless steel and textile materials.
These have in their shape of flowers a mathematical poetry in common with the paintings and the
If the images of the flowers explain themselves, no words are necessary to read the petals.
Welcome to see for yourselves!